


Amid escalating levels of insecurity and secessionist calls by separatist groups and armed militias running wild across broad sections of the country, a not- for- profit organisation, 1001+ Voices Initiative for People’s Empowerment, has sued for “global and internal peace, to secure stability, work for progress and advancement of the world order, and also guarantee the equitable and integrated development of the nation Nigeria.”

The call was contained in a press statement issued by the group in extension of her global message of peace on the celebration of the 2021 International Day of Peace marked globally on every September 21.

According to the statement, International Coordinator of the group and PDP 2023 governorship aspirant in Akwa Ibom State, Obong Ide Owodiong-Idemeko, “urged for a reign of peace across races and nations of the world”, noting that “only a peaceful world order coupled with mutual understanding and sustained tolerance among the humankind, can further and foster growth and security of our future world, especially Nigeria.”

In the statement, signed by General Secretary of the group, Mr. Uwem Abasi Ankak, Obong Owodiong- Idemeko, in drawing global attention to “escalating tensions and avoidable conflicts and violence across various nations of the world”, also called for “increasing levels of understanding amongst nations, and deep tolerance interfacing humanity’s strained relationships as a notable panacea as could cement and strengthen the worsening conditions and situations of human brotherhood and thus usher a period of peace on a world violently confronted with human conflicts and an extremely worrisome pandemic threatening the future and needed survival of mankind.”

Calling on “men of goodwill everywhere to lay down arms and embrace dialogue as a step to healing the wounds of festering hate and burgeoning conflict”, the frontline Akwa Ibom guber aspirant, argued that “neither violence nor conflict has at anytime brought hope or some good to the world”, rather, he also warned “the nations of the earth can wax bold and stronger, and so build for humanity’s common goals of growth, if nations and global institutions focus on working to achieve sustainable global peace.”

The International Day of Peace statement called on the elite political class in Nigeria, state and non-state actors caught in the rifting atmosphere of conflict bedevilling the nation, to holistically loop onto the year’s theme, and ensure it works to bring on very concerted efforts of ensuring the guarantee of the future survival, stability and prosperous economic growth of the nation.

“No nation progresses or meets her clear potentials for development and greatness in the face of enduring conflict and war,” the statement warned.


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