


Priscilla Christopher

A lot is happening in Akwa Ibom State in recent times, giving rise to so much grievance, unrest and agitations from plenty quarters. Hardly does one have a fill of one issue before another springs up in quick succession, creating anxiety in the minds of concerned members of the public.

As expected, the political terrain has come with its buzz thus, heightening tensions and engineering a myriad of negative appeals between and among persons and parties. From hate speeches to name calling, defamations, innuendos, blackmail and the likes, opposing parties seem to be at daggers drawn with each other.

But the fact remains that no one is satisfied with the turnout of things around them. Times have become excessively hard and coping, a near-impossible task – no one is exonerated or exempted from the painful whip of today’s economic lashes. So, as each day passes, one can only wish that the present government (across levels) gives way to another, which will usher in a breath of fresh air; one that will show empathy and sensitivity to the concerns of the people.

It is therefore not surprising that Akwa Ibom people have begun pitching their tents around aspirants whose economic roadmaps align largely with their interests. While this is not out of place, it is imperative that we have a relook at our antecedents to forestall a repetition of bad history. Do they have past records of stewardship? And if they can/do, how much can you trust them?

Beyond the quest for a homegrown Governor or leader, we must emphasize on capacity to deliver, and the will power to bring about the desired change or restructuring we are clamouring for. Only then would we have satisfactorily settled for pedigree against sentiments. This is what Obong Bassey Albert represents.

OBA whose pedigree, garnered throughout his donkey years in the public service is worth the trust, has demonstrated faithfulness in several assignments given him overtime within and outside his areas of jurisdiction statewide, nationally and internationally. A humanitarian whose deeds cut across ethnic divides, his sympathetic gestures transcends beyond political eras and his expression of love is not selective. Testaments of these exists in bounds on his official website www.senatoroba.org

As we move to sit another government, may we remember that it is always best to follow who knows the road, than those who claim to know. OBA knows the road and can lead. Delegates, OBA has the experience and pedigree. He will never let us down!

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