



By Imo Ben

In desperate moves to douse the popularity of the most sought after governorship aspirant, Sen. Bassey Albert Akpan, so many dubious schemes have been deployed by some media hirelings to achieve the purpose.

But what are they going to do or say to erase the nationally recognized fact that in the Senate, OBA has performed so remarkably well that he is the only recipent of the presidential special individual commendation, in acknowledgement of his sterling contributions to advance the oil and gas industry? Moreover, there is nothing they do or will do that can bury OBA’s outstanding performance in presentation of life changing bills and motions.

Can they change the fact that Senator Akpan has empowered over 481 students through his scholarship programmes, a feat even the state government cannot achieve? This is aside from the many assistance doled out consistently to parents for their wards. I challenge them to contradict this verifiable fact which is a testimony of OBA’s love for education and youth development.

What about his unbeatable record of empowerment programmes to appreciate the electorate? Can these hired professional liars dispute the fact that no other politician aspiring for the office of governor has gifted over 800 vehicles to people? Not even to mention the tricycles and motorcycles. These are with verifiable testimonies by beneficiaries in print, pictures and radio to show he has robust reward system.

Is it possible to deny the fact that he has set a benchmark with regards to attending to the problems of physically-challenged in the state? Who else has given the number of wheelchairs, business support and fraternizes with this class of citizens as OBA does? None! It shows he has no discriminatory tendencies based on religion, tribe, social status or political affilliation when it comes to rendering help to the vulnerable ones. Accessibility to him by the electorate is unmatched.

None has the legislatve experience combine with exposure in executive functions as he has, amonsgt all the contestants seeking to be the next governor. He was a commissioner and now senator. This vintage combination positions him in advantage to run affairs of the state better than others with loopsided capacity. And he has proven this by his remarkable performance in the positions held.

Besides, by frank estimation OBA is the most popular contestant because of his people-friendly nature, charismatic character, his benevolent and responsive leadership style. There is nothing to contradict the fact that his name is commonly known in every household in the state, as a result of his generousity. Who else can say this of himself?

There is no contestant that has identified with the electorate in times of needs like this senator. In terms of supporting medical bills, marriages, burials, child dedication, business takeoff grants, employment and related matters he doesn’t have a close competitor. None comes near the selfless sacrifice he does to uplift the people in times of needs.

This is an exceptional politician who as an individual distributes pallatives during festive seasons almost more than the state government. Which amongst his fellow contestants can sacrifice so much without shivering that his reserves will be affected? But the senator gives generously without looking back because benevolence is his nature and lifestyle. And this is the leadership quality of the next governor Akwa Ibom people want.

When we put all these together and score those aspiring to succeed Mr. Udom Emmanuel, it is not rocket science to conclude that Sen. Bassey Albert has unbeatable comparative advantage over others in terms of capacity to pilot the affairs of the state, to make the citizens enjoy benefits derivable from a kind-hearted, caring, competent, visionary and experienced leader.

Therefore, no matter the lies and propaganda told to subdue his popularity and preference by the electorate, we should not trade the valuable politician who has demonstrated capacity to restore the state back to the glorious era for any mediocre or misfit. Akwa Ibom people deserve the best, and OBA is, undoubtedly, the best.


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