Feature Politics

2023: Many Reasons ‘THAT SAME GOD’ Will Vindicate Senator Bassey Albert


By Ndifreke Usen.

The battle for the soul of the Akwa Ibom Government House for 2023 in recent time is leaving no one in doubt as to what the election year holds for the oil-rich ‘Land of Promise’ State and her people as so much mudslinging are being thrown in the air targeting just one man.

As the clock ticks, the political undercurrent is becoming so disturbing with so many subterranean moves being made by ‘Yes Your Excellency’ politicians in order to satisfy the ego of their pay master. Ask yourself, ‘Why Me!’

When the people of Uyo Senatorial District, after assessing the pedigree and capacity of all other 2023 governorship aspirants, settled for and endorsed Senator Bassey Albert Akpan to take over from where Governor Udom Emmanuel will stop in 2023, no one ever thought that the Distinguished Senator’s personality will be attacked, his exalted office demeaned and ridiculed by those who should advice the powers that be, and banana-peel thrown on his way in the form of distractions by those who cannot categorically tell Akwa Ibomites what offence the ex-Commissioner has committed. Of course, this is the first reason THAT SAME GOD will vindicate the innocent Senator.

However, detractors are often too jealous to be reasonable; they are too envious to make sense in whatever direction they may choose and this is the realities on ground in the current Akwa Ibom political space, which also accounts for their abysmal failures too.

If distractions do not come in the way of Senator Albert in the course of his growing political popularity in the State, it may be considered a proof to the fact that he is not making any impact in his political sojourn; it may be seen that his politics have no teeth to bite.

Nonetheless, Akwa Ibomites are happy to note that Albert’s efforts at becoming the next Governor of the oil-rich State is gathering momentum and righteously too.

When the Distinguished Senator Bassey Albert was sending amounts ranging from N20,000, N50,000 to N100,000 to over One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Akwa Ibomites across the 31 LGAs to cushion the effects of COVID-19 lock down, where were the neo-activists today who have formed a wall of destruction round a God-made-man who of course they cannot destroy? We know, betrayal is as old as man and THAT SAME GOD who isn’t asleep will vindicate his son.

With a giant stride, the ex-banker of repute has uplifted so many families from poverty and that, he is still doing to the astonishment of those to whom he is a thorn in their flesh because he is a creator of ideas, be it in commerce, politics, education, business, security… and these are virtues that pitch him against people who think the only option left for them is to malign him, pull down the man already accepted generally by the people of Akwa Ibom State to be their next Governor. Because with him, the people see a greater, better, more fulfilling and more promising future and the most peaceful State.

However, as we speak, politically, there is a barefooted conspiracy to pull down the man generally described as a pillar of support for well-meaning Nigerians particularly Akwa Ibomites by those who he has dined with as ex-commissioners, including those he helped when they were mere Personal Assistants to another Personal Assistant.

But incidentally, not even a string of Senator OBA’s hair they can pull because he is the God’s chosen one for the seat and nobody can destroy him. And surely, the insurrection of the wicked has been defeated because there’s THAT SAME GOD.

For those of us in the business sector, it is either Obong Bassey Albert for 2023 or nobody. He is the most qualified out of the legion of contenders be it in or outside of Government and should be allowed to achieve what he has set for himself.

The man populary called OBA is a bride of any political party and a friend anyone can proudly have. An illustrious son of Ibibio land, loved and admired so much by our Anang, Ekid, Oro, Obolo brothers and sisters, which is why he is our best choice for the Hiltop Mansion, come 2023, irrespective of the handiwork of mischief-makers.

Our minds are made up for him, he is our best and through thick and thin, the people of Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituency (whose time to produce the State Governor is now) in Akwa Ibom North-East Senatorial District, our people in Akwa Ibom North West and Akwa Ibom South are solidly behind the man who fed them when they were hungry. Yes, his ‘widow’s mite’ during the excruciating pains of lockdown meant a lot for us, he did not deny the citizens, he provided for them and the only way we can appreciate him is in our unflinching support which he already has.

Of course, Akwa Ibom people are already aware that OBA is not a cultist, not a criminal, not a kleptomaniac because he has never been convicted for any of the aforementioned. It was however reported how some political heavyweights were pressured the APC shortly after the UNCOMMON DEFECTION. It is also reported that some jejune and frivolous petitions were written to the anti-graft body if that would coerced people like Enin Ibiono Ibom to defect to the broom symbol political party. Despite such antics, the people’s Senator never got deterred.

As someone whose love for Governor Udom Emmanuel and PDP is genuine and topnotch, OBA stood firm as the only sitting PDP Senator in the State, against all odds and threats but campaigned for the re-election of Mr. Emmanuel. He donated a three storey building all ensuite and fully furnished with Air conditioners to the governor to use as his campaign office for more than 2 years. This is one of the innumerable good deeds of Senator Albert for the ‘system’ and THAT SAME GOD who abhors rewarding evil for good, will vindicate Bassey Albert in the recently ressurected case with the anti-graft body which was since 2019 thrown out for lack of merit.

My dear brothers and Sisters, the time has come for us to pray God to ruin the plans of the wicked who hide under THAT SAME GOD’s toga to destroy their fellow brother whose only sin is his ambition to govern Akwa Ibom. Any other thing against our beloved son and brother; OBA, is on the contrary and a political gimmick – tantamount to giving dog a bad name to hang it.

The 31 Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom where he will govern by the grace of God from 29th May 2023 know Senator Albert as uncontroversial, generous, humane and deeply understanding politician who mixes freely with all and sundry but will never dine with criminals. This is why with him; the absolute peace which he contributed massively for us to have during the 2019 elections will be maintained post Udom’s era.

Therefore, the good people of Akwa Ibom State owe nobody apology for being ardent believers in this illustrious son of our dear state – God willing, at the fullness of time, we shall all enjoy the pride of victory and THAT SAME GOD will make it possible.

•Usen, a car dealer writes from Mbak Ekpe, Ibesikpo Asutan LGA.

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