Feature Politics



By Imo Ben

As a legislator, he is acknowledged as an outstanding reference point at the national level. He is a man who is respected because of his contributions to national development. But as in legislative assignments, even more so in administration and executive experience!

Senator Albert Basdey Akpan( OBA) is a tested and trusted star-performer in executive and legislatve positions held so far. Therefore, it will be grave mistake to trade him with a nyophite coming to learn governance on the job. We made that mistake once and we are still paying dearly for it.

Amongst governoship hopefuls, Sen Akpan has unbeatable experience, connections and verifiable track record. He is a strong political voice that can open doors in Nigeria, especially in the oil and gas industry to boost the fortunes of Akwa Ibom State. Good enough, these sectors are prime areas of economic interest the state relies on to boost her revenue. Given his privilege in the industry, OBA. will attract benefits unlike a stooge who needs to be led like a blind man escorted by a guide around the corner.

We need Sen. Bassey Albert who has the proven capacity to subdue challenges relating to politics,economy and governance. He will govern excellently without blaming witches and wizards, or even lizards for obvious failures. He understands the dynamics of political leadership as it affects the governed. Primitive and mundane excuses only come from those overwhelmed by responsibility of office.

As an economist, reassuring the electorate that he will redress the poor economic environment, he said recently: “I understand the fundamentals and measurements of Economic Growth and indices Development”. Therefore, he will definitely create positive impact because he has “the spirit of excellence” which made him outstanding when appointed as the Commissioner of Finance of Akwa Ibom at the relatively young age of 33 years.

Performance in office, according to OBA “is not cast in stone. It only requires love, sincerity, compassion for your people and a deep hunger to change their stories.” Looking at his performance as a commissioner and senator, only someone who is not sound in mind will fail to acknowledge his exceptional impact on the citizens within and outside the state.

He has made a promise that “if Akwa Ibomites entrust me with their destinies, l won’t take them for granted”. Of course, he has never compromised the interest of the electorate and that is why he is the first Akwa Ibom senator to go for a second term unopposed. Yet, in earnest humility, he said: “l am what I am today by the mercy and grace of the Almighty God”

In acknowledgement of his capacity and confident that he will not take them for granted, a number of Akwa Ibomites on a recent radio programme,
assured him of their unalloyed support. According to the callers, who crave a selfless and diligent leader, whichever platform OBA chooses to actualize his new vision for Akwa Ibom State, they are ready to go with him.

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