Feature Politics

2023: Senator Albert’s Faith In God’s Purpose


By Richmond Benjamin

From all indications, Sen. Bassey Albert has absolute faith that God’s purpose and destined plan for him is mightier than what the physical might of his opponents can derail. It is why he is not bothered about certain things done or said about him out of mischief or ignorance. It is the reason he asked that his blackmailers and attackers should be ignored, since they cannot stop his God’s destined political quest.

As a man of great belief in divine arrangement, he is convinced that only God who knows that the purpose of his seeking to be the next governor of Akwa Ibom State is to sincerely render selfless service as a people-friendly servant-leader has the power over his political destiny. So OBA is not distracted by their antics. This, he continues doing his own job of providing ladders for people to climb out of poverty, showing effective representation and displaying exceptional leadership capacity.

Whereas, his blackmailers keep swimming from one scandal to another, OBA’s camp is receiving troops of new converts daily to boost his imminent “ballot revolution”, signalling his overwhelming popularity among the masses. Who says God is not fighting his battles?

It is indeed comfortimg to observe that instead of their attacks demoralizing the senator or weakening his political structures, he looks fresher, more energetic and strengthened by God against the lies and media assaults. Their assaults turn to boosters to strengthen him because as a practical Christian, he takes solace in the fact that God can turn curses to blessings. So most times, the stones they hurl at him become his stepping stones to great achievements.

OBA knows tyrannical political leaders do not like good deeds, which was why even Jesus Christ who went about doing good was despised by some. Christ was even called a lawbreaker for healing the sick on a Sabbath day. He understands that people destined great and to be of selfless service to humanity, people like him usually face attacks.

OBA is a focused person and sets his eyes on the goal which is to use the governorship seat he is seeking for the greater good of the state. Therefore, he is not concerned about what the blackmailers and the notorious characters paint of him. OBA is blessed to be of blessing to other people, while the unrepented blackmailers are cursed to be a nuisance to the public.

The senator has said for the umpteeth time that he bears not grudge against anyone attacking him. But it is natural that they will get corresponding rewards as they would have wished for others had they been at the receiving end. What OBA knows is that
these blackmailers who publish lies to hide the bitter truth, cannot discredit the fact that over 480 students have been on his scholarship list since 2016. The blackmailers also don’t want people to be aware of the several people employed through OBA in various establishments.

But can they use blackmail to suppress the news of the sacked policemen who were restored through the effort of the distinguished senator to their duty posts after several years? This is what they want to hide. Of course, there are numerous testimonies about youths who have been constructively empowered to be self-sufficient in various businesses, which these smear agents are scared that if not overwhelmed by blackmail will highlight OBA in good light. This is their fear.

Moreover, they don’t want beneficiaries to talk about the school fees of many in private basic and secondary schools whose parents have been spared the burden of paying because the senator took over such responsibility. So they must overshadow this with rustic pieces of blackmail. Yet, it is a wasted effort.

Will their trash cover up positive stories from the sick,aged and needy whose upkeep and medical bills are taken care of by OBA? What about the physically challenged, the underprivileged ones, and the widows who are making positive remarks about him; will these blackmailers be able to silence those with their falsehood? Are we to mention the over 600 vehicles gifted to the masses? Or the startup grants for skills acquisition? How are these blackmailers going to dispute these facts?

Let’s mention the ultramodern recreational and youth development center at Ifa Ikot Akpan,Uyo and challenge them to use blackmail and bury the testimony of leadership capacity of OBA. For want of space, we can pause here as there is no need to repeat OBA’s impressive representation in the Senate, because the bills and motions are too many and his nationally acclaimed impact is familiar to many.

Like in the times of Jesus Christ, those in ruling class have tried to paint OBA in bad light upon all the good he had done already for humanity. The truth is that no matter how much they keep trying to blackmail, OBA knows their role can’t stop God’s purpose. No effort by his detractors can stop him from becoming the governor in 2023, by God grace.

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