Feature Politics




“Symbols are powerful because they are the visible signs of invisible realities “- Saint Augustine

By Destiny Akaiso

Amidst the unending flood and tempestuous storms, the floating Ark trudged on, inexorably. Only those with eyes of faith could see beyond the blur of human imaginations.

Forty days later, to confirm to those in the Ark of Redemption that the flood had receded, God commissioned a harbinger, a raven was assigned to return with a twig of fresh leafs between its beak.

From time immemorial, man has always found messages and created meanings out of symbols. In African worldview, for instance, reality can be expressed in physical symbolism.

It is possible for those without cognitive ability to see beyond the skin of things or read beyond what is visible. They may see the YPP symbol as mere logo, which every political party is expected to have as an identity, especially as 2023 general election approaches.

But it goes beyond that. A keen probe of the YPP’s embossed identikit reveals that it means more than meets a compound eye.

Hence, in interrogating the artistic and symbolic components of the YPP logo, we are categorically interested in meanings, existentialist value, and its comparative significance – separately and as an entity.

What then are the interrelationships? Check it out. The backdrop of the logo is the map of Nigeria, painted with three resplendent colours of green, red and yellow. Carefully situated in the middle of the map is a door, swung wide open. At the centre of the door is a firm hand grabbing a bundle of fresh leafs, apparently resting on a concrete platform built with three bold, capital letters – YPP. What a concept!

Now let’s take the symbols one fatter another, beginning with the colours. In African cosmology, colour symbolism and psychology, beyond their artistic finesse, play vital roles in personal and collective actions and dreams.

On the background of the YPP logo, there is a conscious interplay of colours that nearly invoke the image of a rainbow.

Did you notice that all the colours belong in the family of primary colours? That shows unity – other colours can only be added or mixed with them to get alternative secondary colours.

In chromatics, the science of colour, GREEN signifies – Providence, growth, harmony, wealth and stability.

RED stands for – life, energy, passion, and danger (as a warning sign to enemies or trespassers).

While YELLOW represents – sun, brightness, nature, happiness, hope, and spontaneity.

The DOOR on the logo carries the nationalist instinct of the YPP. The fact that it is swung open, and remains permanently open, points to two possible interpretations:

One, YPP welcomes all and has sufficient space to accommodate all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora, regardless of region, religion, tribe, language, political affiliations, and personal ideologies.

Two, the DOOR also captures the idea that YPP is a melting pot for socio-economic activities that are not hindered by insecurity of any form, whereby citizens and foreigners alike are free to pass through secure and safe borders, to boost international diplomacy, GDP, foreign investments, tourism, knowledge transfer, etc.

What about the fold of fresh leafs? Like it was to Noah and his people, the leafs point to arrival at the shore of possibility, vibrancy, rebirth, luxuriance, fecundity, fulfillment, insurance and hope made material by Providence.

Conversely, they point to how a determined and audacious search for alternatives in the midst of discontent and choas has led to better landing spots for those on the YPP ship, to realize their dreams. Concisely, it means REALITY.

The firm HAND holding the leafs could be likened to a triumphant fist of victory and invitation to a new dawn. It represents the Akwa Ubok Abasi ( God Almighty’s hand).

Emphatically, the semiotic complements of the YPP logo almost literarily breathe into its leaders and supporters some supernatural power to gallop like antelopes and see as mere plains every mountain along the route to 2023.

In summary, the logo escorts us into the innermost chambers of the entire concept – vision, essence, and mission, which informed the choice of the inspiring mantra: “Service to the people”!

Since the Noah experience, it has been established that every era in human history has its own hero. His task is to play the catalyst, show the way, break barriers and jinx, change the course of time, and write his name in the annals of time.

Because of Obong Bassey Albert (OBA) as the Seal of Hope, a man of many firsts, abundantly blessed by God and highly popular, a pioneer and trailblazer with mountain-like landmarks, Akwa Ibom State is set to become the first State in the country to produce a YPP governor in 2023.

Then, OBA will translate in the fullest material sense the symbolism of the unique YPP logo. That possibility shares nothing with probability. The best choice is to join the Ark to the new dawn!

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