Business News

ACSEN In Akwa Ibom Inaugurates New Exco


By Henshaw NYONG, Uyo

Farmers in Akwa Ibom State under the aegis of Association of Cassava Seed Entrepreneur Network (ACSEN), have elected a new executive council, with Chief Fabian Bassey Emmanuel as the State Chairman.

Elected and sworn-in alongside the Chairman were: Mr. Emmanuel Edet; Secretary, Blessing Godwin; Treasurer and Barr. Edidiong Ekpo, the Legal Adviser.

When they took the oath of office…

The ceremony which held Wednesday in Uyo, the State capital, attracted top echelons of ACSEN, including its South South Coordinator; Prince Michael Ekanem, National Treasurer; Mrs. Uduakobong Umoffong, as well as other reputable farmers.

When the South South Coordinator was speaking…

Addressing the association, Prince Michael Ekanem, who prior to the inauguration was also overseeing the affairs of the group in the State, highlighted the organization’s many accomplishments, not only in Akwa Ibom, but throughout the country.

His words: ”We have made a difference in the lives of countless cassava farmers and seed producers, and our work has had a ripple effect that has been felt across the nation. I am confident that the new executive council will continue to build on our success and take ACSEN to even greater heights.”

The renowned farmer, in expressing the organization’s unwavering support for Governor Umo Eno’s ARISE agenda, expressed confidence that the new executive committee will have the full support of members as they work to achieve their goals. With the backing of the entire membership, Prince Ekanem said, ACSEN in the State will be well-positioned to make a meaningful impact on the agricultural sector.

On her part, the National Treasurer of ACSEN, Mrs Uduakobong Umoffong, paid tribute to the outgoing leader of the organization in Akwa Ibom, praising his many achievements both within the state and nationwide.

The National Treasurer and others, paid rapt attention…

She expressed confidence in the ability of the new executive committee to lead the organization forward and pledged her full support at all times. Mrs Umoffong expressed optimism for the future of ACSEN under the leadership of the new executive committee.

In his acceptance speech, Chief Fabian Bassey Emmanuel, the newly elected Chairman of ACSEN in Akwa Ibom, expressed his deep gratitude to the founding members of the organization for their vision and hard work, which had led to many success stories and achievements over the years.

The New Chairman takes the floor while others clap…

The newly elected Chairman, Chief Emmanuel, who acknowledged the achievements of Prince Ekanem, popular Nollywood Star and successful farmer; Ambassador Moses Armstrong and Mrs. Umoffong, eulogized them for their roles in leading ACSEN to its current position of success.

He expressed his commitment to building on their legacy and taking the organization to new heights, with humility and determination.

The Ibesikpo Asutan successful Farmer expressed his determination to harness the full potential of the cassava value chain in the state.

While pledging to hit the ground running and bringing his expertise and dedication to his new role, Chief Bassey assured he will work closely with stakeholders in the agricultural sector and make ACSEN in Akwa Ibom a cynosure of all eyes.

When the handing over notes were released and received…

He however, pledged the group’s readiness to partner the State Government in its planned Agricultural revolution to aid create wealth, employment opportunities and contribute to the economic growth of Akwa Ibom.

The highlight of the ceremony was the official handover of documents, including the group’s bylaws and certificates, to the new Chairman.

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