

TheHILL | POLITICS | AUG. 1, 2021.

In recent times, political discourse in Akwa Ibom State has largely been dominated by agitations from some political blocs, group of persons and individuals on preferred choice to succeed the incumbent governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel in 2023, after expiration of his tenure.

This, political pundits insist is a kind of distraction to the present administration considering the numbers of days, before the 2023 general elections.

Howbeit, despite the rotational arrangement which has remained over the years. Many have concluded that out of sheer greediness and somewhat bitterness, some Akwa Ibomites have taken to unnecessary debate, arguing against the existing micro-zoning of Governorship slot among the Federal constituencies of Uyo Senatorial District.

Yes! The 2023 governorship rightfully belongs to the people of Uyo Senatorial District of the State, which is made up of three (3) Federal Constituencies including; Etinan, Uyo and Itu Federal Constituencies.

To contribute to this debate, it’s good to refer to the beginning, bearing in mind that since the creation of Akwa Ibom State, two federal constituencies (Etinan and Uyo) have occupied the governorship position of the state, thus left for Itu/Ibiono Ibom federal Constituency which is seen as minority to take their own turn in 2023.

Prior to the return to democracy in 1999, Akwa Ibomites have experienced and experimented different ideologies, manifestoes, and party constitutions; all of which served as policies, guidelines and principles for which our political system operates in the Nigerian democratic arena.

Zoning is one of the many policy formulas used by the parties in resolving and managing problems associated with allocation and distribution of positions and offices among competing interests and groups. This provision, originally ideology of the then Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) in 1979 and adopted upon the formation of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in 1998, has among other benefits given every regions/areas, a sense of belonging, in the scheme of things. Today, there is no political party in Nigeria that has not adopted the idea of zoning; whether AA, AD, ADC, APC, PDP, SDP or YPP. So it is even a part and parcel of the Nigerian democratic system.

One of the ideas used by the PDP in winning the Governorship position of Akwa Ibom State in the past years was zoning; an ideology that other political parties have even adopted. Since then and over years now, we have had the position and amongst other principal offices rotating to the benefit of all political zones, ensuring socio-political stability in the State.

It’s generally believed that Akwa Ibom governorship position in 2023 should be zone to Uyo Senatorial District, and Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituency in particular.

But already, people from other political blocs like Uyo and Etinan federal constituencies have indicated interest, some declaring openly their intentions to join the race in the forthcoming general elections.

However, if the decision of Akwa Ibom people is to zone the Governorship position to Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituency, then the best option is to invite the likes of Sen. Bassey Albert who has the pedigree and what it takes to contest.

OBA, as he is called fondly has served as a commissioner, two term Senator of Federal Republic of Nigeria and attempted governorship aspirant, who is well vested, with track records and pedigree would be the best man for the top job. He has been well known by the people of Akwa Ibom state, as compare with others who are not even well rooted, nor known in the state.

It is on record that Senator Albert has impacted greatly on the lives of young people from the senatorial district, especially in the areas of scholarship, sponsorship for skills acquisition, financial support for business development, empowerment for women/men and much more.

Many who have been blessed by OBA have lost count of cars he has given out to people. Personally, this writer has lost count of houses he has built for people, they have lost count of people he has written off their hospital bills, they have lost count of other humane interventions, they have lost count of boys he has practically made men, they have lost count of people he has assisted and set up businesses for.

That is perhaps why a development journalist, Victor Agbenson, recently described the senator as a man truly called for service, a huge support for development, and one who enjoys putting smiles on the faces of his people. The senator himself alluded to this in a recent interview when he declared ”For me, making people happy is a way of life.

“I believe very strongly that living well is not how rich one is but the ability to impact on the lives of others. I owe my people a duty to ensure that they feel the impact of my representing them at the National Assembly”. The distinguished senator again believes greatly in education.

That is why he also stressed: “If you support someone in the course of his educational pursuit, that is a major empowerment. Let me say, perhaps point blank that in my voyage in the media, I have not heard of a politician from this clime publicly declaring that he feels fulfilled making people happy. It is a very positive political statement.

It could just be the very nature of the former colourful banker and commissioner of finance in Akwa Ibom.

This is just exemplary leadership. Even on how he relates with his political opponents, he exudes humaneness that could be shocking as depicted when he met the likes of Sen. Ita Enang, Onofiok Luke, Akan Okon, Sen. Effiong Bob, Udom Inoyo, Akan Udofia, Umoh Eno etc at an event.

It is also on record that within the first six months in office, Distinguished Senator Obong Bassey Albert (OBA), after many years of neglect, nominated two major roads in Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District which are to be constructed by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), courtesy of him.

The roads are Obong Itam-Ekit Itam-Mbiaya Uruan-Ikpa-Mbiakong-Idu Uruan Phase 1, located in Itu and Uruan Local Government Areas and Ikpe Ikot Nkon-Ikpe Okon – Ikpanya Road located in Ini and Ibiono Ibom Local Government Areas. It is a fulfillment of his political vision to continue to contribute to the infrastructural development of the senatorial district in particular and the state in general.

Senator Bassey Albert (OBA) is also a good party man and one who has shown tremendous respect for his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) even in decision he had to take to show the supremacy of the party in the course of his political journey.

He is also a team player working tirelessly to ensure that the PDP family succeeds in leadership in his home state, Akwa Ibom. Senator OBA as he is fondly called, is an inspiration to up and coming politicians and a true lover of the people, which shows in the expression of love to the people at various times.

It was Robert Louis Stevenson who first wrote “keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others, and this the senator has shown courage in his political odyssey. Frankly, his love for his people knows no bounds. Looking into the future, OBA promises to continue to serve his people with the passion vintage.

In Uyo Federal Constituency, aside from His Excellency, Obong Victor Attah who served the State as Governor, we have never seen anyone else with pedigree and records to match with that of Obong Attah.

Moving down to Itu Federal Constituency, the 2023 governorship of the State is of their right. If the Zoning is to be jettisoned, that means that morally, we don’t have any reason complaining about Nigerian politics which is being dominated by the northerners in terms of population and size.

Equity and justice, whether to majority to minority has no colour. Itu/Ibiono Ibom people are very contentious because as of right, that is the only zone in Uyo Senatorial District that has never tasted such position. But some people from other political blocs, maybe because of greed or because of “share size” are muscling to hijack power from them.

This writer feels that justice should be allowed to interplay for peace to reign. For instance; as a people, we should learn from what happened in Niger-Delta region years back. The people’s right to protest is part of democracy and when you pushed someone to the wall; you may have the strength – you may have everything, but they have every right to react if their right is being trampled upon.

So, that’s the more reason people should not hit up the system. We should allow the present Governor to work and as well be more committed to his assigned duties. Also, the party primaries is around the corner; we should face building the party’s structure first and also allow the present government to function effectively.

The present administration led by Deacon Udom Emmanuel, a passionate leader who is more committed to the wellbeing of Akwa Ibom State had So far, completed lives touching projects including; the 21 storeys building located at Industrial layout, Udo Udoma Avenue, Ibom Air, Akwa Ibom Deep Seaport/Industrial City, Liaison Office in Lagos and other numerous projects. Its time to put unnecessary sentiment aside and as well lent more supports to the Governor to succeed in attracting more developments and dividends of democracy to the state.

Meanwhile, as times goes on the people of Uyo Senatorial District would come together to access and choose a candidate with pedigree and credible tract records both in public and private sectors, who’s suitable to pilot the affairs of the state as to takes over power in 2023.

As earlier stated, there is no political party in Nigeria today that hasn’t adopted zoning formula. All these is to ensure the achievement of political goals, maintain order and stability, and ensure fair distribution of political offices. The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has it in Article 7 subsection 2(c) of the PDP constitution clearly stated how elective and party offices should be shared or zoned. The party constitution states poignantly that: “In pursuance of the principle of equity, justice and fairness, the party shall adhere to the policy of rotation and zoning of party and public elective offices, and it shall be enforced by the appropriate executive committee at all levels” (PDP Constitution, 1999).

This writer does not believe that people outside Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituency would seek to muscle power for 2023 governorship in the state; for what and why? They are all from a political blocs that had already produced governors and as such, it would be fair to shelf their ambition and join hands to promote the existing peace in the state.

The writer specifically appeals to Akwa Ibom people through political parties to begin toeing the right path during selection of whom to govern the state because if the party makes wrong selection, then the outcome would be producing a bad leader and at the end, the entire people of the state will be thrown to untold hardship and suffering.

Governance is a very serious projects and people with proven integrity and vast wealth of experience coupled with sterling leadership qualities are needed to be entrusted with leadership positions, not those that haven’t been tested and trusted in government.

Governance is a not a ‘tea party’; it’s a serious project. If any right thinking person is to surrender his or her mandate to anyone to pilot the affairs of the state, it must be someone with managerial capability and leadership prowess to lead.

The writer therefore appeals to political parties in Akwa Ibom State to never again allow the state to be used as an experimental ground for training of leaders. Those allow to ascend leadership positions must be embedded with the needed pedigree and qualities and as well, must be those tested and trusted.


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