
Applauding Comprehensive Desilting of Gutters by AKSEPWMA


Gutters are mostly channels for waters. They are constructed to provide passage for water, to avoid indiscriminate flooding of roads which causes damage to the roads and constitutes environmental degradation.

A move around the Uyo metropolis, on daily basis, one observes desilting team of the State Environmental Protection and Waste Management Agency (AKSEPWMA) who are passionately engaged in desilting the gutters.

Before the inception of the current board, headed by a security expert and philanthropist; Obong Prince Ikim, almost all gutters in the city were filled with all kinds of rubbish, including faeces which exude offensive odour when it rains.

Today, the narrative has been changed. Gutters in the State are now serving their original purpose as channels for water and not water well, lake or swamp.

The agency’s conscientious effort has indeed contributed in making Akwa Ibom decent and as well restored sanity to our environment.

It therefore behooves citizens and residents to help the State Government by complying with the laws guiding residency and business activities on environmental sanitation in Akwa Ibom.

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