
Don Laments Alarming increase in Breast Cancer, Infant Mortality In Nigeria


…. Tasks Pharmacists to change the narratives in Health Sector.

Nigeria is currently maintaining the first spot in breast cancer disease in the West Africa region. In the same vein, the country is also second only to the neighboring Niger Republic on the issue of infant mortality

These statistics came to fore in a key note address presented by a university Don, Prof Noel Wannang a renowned Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacist during the Pharmacy week seminar held by the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria Akwa Ibom state chapter on Thursday in Uyo the state capital.

Addressing participants at the event with the theme: “Pharmacists Strengthening the Health Systems” Prof. Wannag who is also a council member West African Post- graduate college of Pharmacy lamented that health outcomes remain poor in Nigeria despite higher expenditure since 2001 stressing that better outcomes are seen in countries with equivalent and lower expenditure.

According to him, “life expectancy in Nigeria now stands at 60 years for males and 64 years for females, infant mortality stands at 54. 74 deaths per 1000 live births which places Nigeria only second to Niger republic.”

The Don highlighted that non natal mortality rate globally and with 640 daily deaths, Nigeria’s ranks second to India in the world.

He further added, “Maternal mortality rate stagnated at 290,000 annually since 2015, it is sad to say that India and Nigeria rank for 1st and 2nd respectively”.

He urged Pharmacists to strengthen health system in ways that achieve more equitable and sustainable improvements to health outcome with requites technical and political knowledge and action.

According to him, “Pharmacists should transform practice, science and education and workforce. They should acquire leadership skills to lead and change the healthcare system in Nigeria.

“They should have overall interest to develop model for patient safety adding that there is no health without drugs or hospital with prayers department”

Prof wannag advocated for a strong health system with effective policies, oversight and accountability with special attention to system design and appropriate regulation.

He opined “Pharmacists in the world must participate in the development of the framework that advance the delivery of effective and safe healthcare and ensure access to high quality medicines”.

He noted that a strong health system needs adequate funds so that people can use the services they need and afford to pay for those services.

The State Chairman of Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria Pharm. Abasiama Uwatt who highlighted the importance of advocacy in ensuring the success of the job of pharmacists explained that Akwa ibom state will soon have a drug information centre.

According to her, “Drug Information Centre is one of the requirement from World Health Organisation from developing countries. In Nigeria, currently we have very few and Akwa Ibom State do not have drug Information Centre for now.

She further intoned, “What the center offers is enormous, It is avenue for communication and publicity, there will be publications and enlightenment campaigns, it will also serve as point for research and critical support management.

“The drug Information centre can help us collate data, one of the biggest challenges we have in Nigeria is data. “The Drug Information Centre will help in policy making, research and help in giving direction to our health drive. Akwa Ibom people will be the biggest beneficiary when established”

On the Challenges faced by Pharmacists, the chairman explained, “They are enormous we are grossly underutilized, we are trained in so many areas but outside the society, it is difficult for us to fit in properly in the scheme of things, that is because there is overlap of functions in the health sector which is not good. A patient seeking healthcare intervention should be able to get the best from every healthcare worker”.

She further averred “There is a challenge of pharmacists importing practically every raw materials which we call active pharmaceutical ingredients, we import it with high foreign exchange which keep soaring the value of the products well beyond the reach of the common man on the street to access basic health care and high cost of drugs will definitely hamper effective health care coverage”.

The state chairman acknowledged the issue of the pharmacy consultancy cadre as another worrisome development, “It has been on for sometimes and it is being difficult to accept though accepted in some States and at the Federal level but yet to be implemented”.

“Therefore, you have pharmacists who have finished the basic training, go ahead to specialize but still regarded as fresh graduates. We have consultants in the field of public health and clinical pharmacy, community pharmacy but they are not utilized and still regarded as first-degree holders. “That is a big challenge facing us. We also have the Japa syndrome affecting pharmacists as poor remuneration brings poor recognition, we have pharmacist passing out without a place to do their mandatory one-year internship which is part of their training. We have also have unfavorable policies that do not support local capacity building”.

On what she hopes to achieve, she reiterated, As an administration, we set out to achieve three main things, one is to complete the drug information Centre and our secretariat, increase advocacy and our presence at the Policy table and be part of the people who formulate policies for our association, over the years non Pharmacists have been doing that. We are doing a lot to create awareness on the functions of the pharmacists. It may surprise you that even some well-schooled people do not know the role of pharmacists. In the last one year, we participated in the development of the ARISE Agenda blueprint. For the first-time government recognized our worth and contributions. We are moving in the right direction”.

In his goodwill message, Mr Adedoyin Nuredeen, Deputy Commandant Nigeria Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) said It is necessary for Akwa Ibom Pharmacists body to work with NDLEA to control, supervise and cutting off supply of illicit drugs by reducing the demand for illicit drugs, engage in the enlightenment of the populace on the psychological, physical and social effects of psychopathic substance in the body, since we know the consequences of these drugs to the body system.

“Drugs demand reduction calls for multi-sectorial approaches involving qualified personnel like pharmacists for education on health issues in order to achieve the needed target and result. There should be a balanced approach between illict drugs demand reduction and suppression by pharmacist” he added.

Earlier in a welcome address, the chairman planning committee of pharmacy week 2023, Phar Dighenyong Sam Udiminune had described the health system in Nigeria as not only weak but asphyxiated. He listed weak governance, institutions, structures and operational inefficiencies as basic causes of Nigeria’s deteriorating health care system.


The occassion was chaired by Dr Chris Eromosele and the event graced by the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Bassey who was represented by the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Health/ Personal Physician to the Governor, Dr Emmanuel John and the Speaker of the Akwa Ibom state House of Assembly, Rt.Hon. Udeme otung, ably represented by the Chairman House committee on Health, Rt. Hon. Moses Essien.


Other dignitaries include the Dean Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Prof. Emmanuel Attih, the Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Hospital management Board, Pharm. Ubam Etim and the Director of Pharmaceutical Services , University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Pharm. Bella Etukudo.

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