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EARCOM proposes Corporate harmony among MDA’s for ARISE Agenda


Promoting corporate harmony among various Ministries, Department’s and Agencies of Government have been advocated as the process that will facilitate structured actualisation of Governor Umo Eno’s ARISE Agenda.

Executive Chairman of the Akwa Ibom State Ethical and Attitudinal Reorientation Commission, EARCOM, Dr Dorothy Thompson, stated this during a chat with newsmen in her office while appraising the aftermath of the Akwa Ibom Dialogue on the ARISE Agenda convened recently by Governor Eno.

Justifying the merger of the Ministry of Agriculture with Rural Development, Dr Thompson argued that, Governor Umo Eno, in his wisdom, decided to streamline some Ministries and Department’s of Government where their operations may overlap for efficient service delivery while implementing the ARISE Agenda.

The EARCOM boss said there is a thin line between Agricultural revolution and rural development which are critical to the ARISE Agenda and therefore merging both Ministries will ensure better coordination and clarity of roles.

She however advocated corporate harmony rather than conflict, which can only be achieved through good governance. Dr Thompson explained that it is important to avoid conflict of duties, operations and roles between MDA’s which are sometimes triggered by factors including, mandated functions, misplaced priorities, interdependent relationships, hierarchical relationships and delegation of resources and supervisory authority.

EARCOM, she said, will work to create awareness for workplace ethics so that
typical organizational issues that breed conflict, such as poor lines of communication, lack of effective leadership, and conflicting priorities, will be addressed to ensure corporate harmony within and between MDA’s.

Dr Thompson, while lauding Governor Umo Eno for the vision, maintained that Akwa Ibom is getting greater with the ARISE Agenda and accordingly tasked citizens to internalise and take full ownership of the Agenda.

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