
Ikot Ekpene Youths Declare: LEO UMANA REMAINS OUR LEADER


The youths of Ikot Ekpene local government area, Akwa Ibom State, have insisted on Mr. Leo Umana as the youth leader of the area.

Their position was made known through a press statement jointly signed by representatives of Ikot Ekpene youths under the aegis of Ikot Ekpene Youth Action Groups.


Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State in a warm handshake with Mr. Leo Umana, Executive Director, Akwa Ibom State Internal Revenue Service…

The signatories are Chairman, Mr Nsikak Ekoriko; Secretary General, Comrade Udeme Udosen; Public Relations Officer, Mr Uwemedimo Umoinyang; Woman Leader, Comrade Magdalene Ukpong.

According to the group, their decision to reaffirm Umana’s leadership role among the youths of Ikot Ekpene stems from a recent counter declaration from persons they say want to cause tension and division in Ikot Ekpene.

They described as sad the decision of Ikot Ekpene Council Chairman, Mr. Unyime Etim to accept to be declared youth leader of the area instead of playing an exalted fatherly role being the council chairman.

Mr. Leo Umana flanked by youths of Ikot Ekpene at a political gathering in the area, recently…

The release noted “Our attention has been drawn to an online publication posted by one Pastor Uko Michael, declaring the Executive Chairman of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area as the new Youth Leader of the Local Government during a meeting in the Chairman’s house on Monday, 6th September, 2021 at 6p.m.

“We are sad that the Executive Chairman could stoop so low to accept such nomination as he should be seen and remain as a father to all the youths in Ikot Ekpene”.

The Ikot Ekpene Youth Action Groups which expressed dismay over the Chairman’s declaration plot said the scheme stems from what they described as “quest to further his selfish interest and aspiration for Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly elections in 2023”.

They noted that this plot is uncalled for considering the fact that the Chairman rode on the back of youths’ support to become a second term Chairman of Ikot Ekpene against all odds.

The Youth Groups added “We hereby register our total rejection of the declaration of the Executive Chairman, Unyime Etim as the Youth Leader of Ikot Ekpene. We state affirmatively that the status quo should remain till further notice as we still recognize and appreciate Mr. Leo Leo Umana as the People’s Youth Leader in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area.

“May we advise that as a Chairman, Mr Etim should not be seen to be divisive and causing crisis in Ikot Ekpene. His concern especially now should be towards maintaining peace, working for development, unity, successful completion of his tenure and the completion agenda of Governor Udom Emmanuel and not to fan embers of hatred, disunity and sow seeds of discord amongst the youths. We hereby call on the public to reject and disregard the purported declaration”.


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