Interview Legislature Politics

INTERVIEW: The Voice of Eket Senatorial District’ll Be Heard Again At the Senate – Inyang-Eyen



Against the backdrop of internal wrangling in Eket Senatorial District over the issue of zoning as it concerns the 2023 Senate slot, Paulinus Nnah, a notable media personality in the district, sought the take of Akparawa Ephraim Inyangeyen, himself a YPP senatorial standard bearer in the area, an immediate past Works Commissioner in the State, then ex-Chief of Staff to Gov. Udom Emmanuel, and one in the eye of the storm. The interaction was, to say the least, most fulfilling, intriguing and informative for both stakeholders and keen watchers alike. Excerpts:

Ques: Sir, beyond the realm of rumour about your candidature on the platform of Young Progressives Party (YPP) to run for Eket Senatorial District Senate seat come 2023, could you tell the people why it has to be you from ONNA in Eket Federal Constituency?

Ans: Thank you for the pains you have taken to come and interact with me, Sir Paulinus Nnah. I am happy, and I want to put it very straight. Everyone within the Senatorial District made up of 12 local government areas and three federal constituencies at this point has the right to go to the Senate, because Ikot Abasi started. And when Ikot Abasi started, there was no agreement. It was simply because Udo Udoma, who became the Senator, was the best of the candidates. He defeated the man who came out from Eket. Eket people supported Udo Udoma not because people had sat down to say there was zoning. Udo Udoma was shoulder-higher than all other candidates, and therefore after Udo Udoma completed his eight years, that was why when Mma Eme Ufot Ekaette came to sabotage his second term bid, the people rejected. He completed his eight years in the Senate. Then Mma Ufot Ekaette came and had one term of four years. And then Mma Helen Esuene had her one term of four years too.

It automatically went to Oron (Federal Constituency). Sir, for that circle to take place again, we must go and start with the candidate from any of the three federal constituencies who stands shoulder-higher in capacity and competence, and not by the question of zoning; because Nigeria has moved into a phase where we need the strongest of our men to defend us. I am sorry to say what I want to say now, but I will altogether say it: after Sen. Udo Udoma left the Senate, our Senatorial District has not had the best of representation in the Senate, and after 16 years we must get up. The governorship slot is leaving our Senatorial District to Uyo, so this Senatorial District will only be represented by a Senator who has capacity. And are we going to sacrifice competence and capacity on the altar of micro-zoning? Nobody is cheated if I go to the Senate based on competence. And God helping me and I do well, Ikot Abasi Federal Constituency still has another opportunity. It can now go round.

But at this point where we do not have a Governor and what we simply have is a Senator, we should be able to do what we did in 1999 for Udo Udoma.

Ques: And what was it that was done for Udo Udoma in 1999, Sir?

Ans: Udo Udoma, nobody zoned it to him. He came out with scholarship, he came out with his father’s name, he came out with capacity, he came out with a previous record of what he had done in the private sector, and the people queued up behind him. If it was about zoning, probably Eket would have taken it, or Oron would have taken it. But it was not zoning. We have not had zoning in our Senatorial District. What we had has been a question of rotation. When Ikot Abasi finished it was not zoning, it was rotation. It became good conscience to allow Eket and Oron to take their turn. Remember, when Mma Ufot Ekaette came out, Nelson Effiong also came out. So, where was the zoning? If Nelson Effiong had won in 2007 at the completion of the tenure of Udo Udoma, it wouldn’t have been Eket. It would have been Nelson Effiong of Oron. So, where was zoning? When Nelson Effiong lost and Mma Ufot Ekaette won, she did one term. Chief Nduese Essien came out, Nelson Effiong came out, the present SSG, Emmanuel Ekuwem, came out. Where was zoning? If at that time after Mma Ekaette lost, and if Nelson Effiong had won, would he not have gone to the Senate? Would the people have taken it and said: “it was the turn of Eket”? So, we have not had a documented zoning in this Senatorial District.

But what we have is understanding amongst our people. “Da, your brother has gone for your turn, let us also have our turn”! And having completed that circle that all federal constituencies have had their eight years each, we must return to the table of competence and capacity like we did in 1999, and on the basis of this, I think I am eminently qualified.

Ques: So, at this point, what really should the people do?

Ans: If my people will listen to the fact that at this point there is no need of micro-zoning to mediocrity just for the purpose of zoning, and I think it’s on the basis of this demand from Mkpat Enin, Ikot Abasi and Eastern Obolo, and are willing, let us all come out and tell our people what we have in stock to offer at the Senate; because if we are not going to have a voice, a competent and loud enough voice, even the issue of PIA, do you know how it was that when the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) came up, our Senator did not have a contribution to it? It was a Senator from Uyo that championed it. And people were silent now that the Senator who championed that cause for us is going out of the Senate. He wants to be the Governor. So, who will go and continue in the pursuit of the PIA so that it could come to fruition? The oil companies operating here treat us as if we are not part of Nigeria. This is not the treatment they give to the people of Delta State and other oil-producing states of this country. It is because we lack a voice at the centre.

Ques: Sir, are you seeing this as a fair deal that is in the best interest of all in the Senatorial District?

Ans: Yes, I see the people of Akwa Ibom South (Senatorial District) not going to be unfair to any group, any of the federal constituencies, but rather at this point we need a loud, clear and audible voice at the Senate. And if we don’t, we will have ourselves to blame. And I’m not opposing my brothers from Mkpat Enin. Anyone of them. But let them come to the table and let all of us tell the people what we have. Let’s showcase what God has put in us for a time like this; not just waiting in the house and keep saying, “zoning, zoning”.

Ques: But, Sir, what’s really wrong about zoning, per se?

Ans: I want to be very honest with you, zoning has brought a very high level of mediocrity into the system where they will neglect those who have competence, just based on “it has been zoned to us!”. And so, when the system is not performing optimally we blame everybody, except ourselves. But really, we are the cause of it. If you ask me, I think the days are here for a new Nigeria. We should begin to talk more of competence, capacity and ability to deliver. If there is anybody from that federal constituency, (Ikot Abasi), as it was in the beginning, they are free to contest against me. Udo Udoma defeated the people in Eket, defeated the people in Oron, came back and defeated them again. So, let everybody come out. When I finish my term, the people of Ikot Abasi will contest with the people of Oron.

Eket Federal Constituency will have said they have taken their turn. It was so in the beginning. In Udo Udoma’s time, nobody zoned it to him. It will be so now, so that the circle can start all over again; and it will go round. But the zoning must not be done to favour a particular candidate of a particular party. Sir, now we’ve gone outside that thing we used to say PDP is a religion. No, PDP is not a religion.

The only religion is either Christianity or Islamic religion. A political party is only a platform. Let’s deal with individual. If you have no capacity, don’t use party and tell us it’s a religion. The religion of PDP in Akwa Ibom has failed. The PDP in Nigeria is what led to the final failure of APC.

Ques: Sir, it’s a major concern when we take into consideration the fact that Eket Senatorial District is critical in the oil revenue scheme of things in our state and in our nation at large; so, we need that audible voice now more than ever before?

Ans: Sir, Eket Senatorial District is the largest senatorial district in Nigeria, but is the least favoured; it’s the least heard about. Nobody seems to speak for us. Sir, in the last eight years, I will repeat myself, Nelson Effiong went to the Senate, he’s my friend, he’s my brother, we didn’t even have a common town hall meeting. As a Senator, you’re supposed to return to your people at the season of time, either by yearly or quarterly. Even if you don’t have all the means to empower everybody, sit down and feel the pulse of your people.

And Sir, how can we, the largest senatorial district in Nigeria, go to the Senate four years, eight years after [without being seen or heard]; even if it means them appearing on Channels for us to even see their faces as they discuss? But we don’t. So, what is wrong? They say: “Oh, a first timer doesn’t make impact.” Bassey Albert went to the Senate as a first-timer, a young man in his early 40s. He became Chairman of Senate Committee on Oil and Gas and made so much impact, went back the second term and became Chairman of Senate Committee on Upstream Petroleum. Sir, what you carry is what determines what you get.

Ques: Sir, could you relate tersely your experience in the Udom Administration before your exit?

Ans: When I was appointed Commissioner for Works, they gave me no chance. They said I was a chemist, that I was not an engineer. But Sir, I made waves and created pathways, and designed things that even the state government doesn’t have the finished drawings. They are in my head. God showed me favour. Sir, we did well, absolutely well; and I was asking the question: when you’ve gone to school, isn’t it to open your mind, and to broaden your outreach? What you become depends on what you now take in, and somebody said: “Oh, he read Chemistry.” What about the MBA I went to UNILAG to do? Ok, if you say that the MBA was not enough, what of the doctorate I went to Walden to do, even though I’ve not gone to collect the certificate? Has that not broadened my scope enough? What of my presence and interaction in the Nigerian Custom Service where I was privileged to interact with Nigeria’s best of the best?

Ques: What to you, Sir, should form a priority list of issues that beg for attention in the Senatorial District?

Ans: I think that Eket Senatorial District is the largest, producing 33% of our oil. We need someone who will be able to tell Nigerians that we’ve not been fairly treated. Sir, why should ExxonMobil remain in Lagos? Even if it would require protest to tell the federal government that ExxonMobil can’t be in Lagos while taking our oil and damaging our ecosystem, and our marine system has collapsed. Bring that office to Eket in Eket Senatorial District. At least let our people…, even if there are cleaners being employed…, or let that structure stand there and beautify our landscape. We really need to handle these issues.

Sir, I’m not going to the Senate because I’m hungry. God has blessed me; God has given me food to eat. I am a farmer. I produce about 300 crates of eggs everyday in my village here. I also produce plantain. At my age I think I am good enough with my farm and with other businesses I do. But why would I be silent that my Senatorial District being the basket of resources of this nation is not heard of? We’re not given a fair share of what this country ought to give to us. And again, Sir, it’s important that when Sen. Bassey Albert becomes the Governor…, because he will become, God said so, so that we should have a son of Senatorial District who he will respect and listen to, so that at least some things would come here.

So, we need to be part of the next government; and we will not just say: “let us stay on the sideline.” We need to be part of the next government. So, it’s important and very critical that our people do a proper analysis of what it is and come to the fact that it is better to sacrifice micro-zoning. And, that zoning that was done…, Sir, it was not our people that did it. It was PDP. PDP is not Akwa Ibom and Akwa Ibom is not PDP. PDP cannot impose their zoning on us. Ok, look at now, PDP said that the presidential candidature will come to the South. But they gave it to the North. APC said that its presidential candidature will leave the North and come to the South. They gave it to the South. Sir, if we extrapolate, who is saying the truth? PDP cannot do zoning and impose it on Akwa Ibom. It’s not a law that what PDP does becomes sacrosanct. NNPP has come up, and Sen. Udoedeghe is going for governorship from Uyo. His deputy is from Ikot Ekpene – Godwin Afangide. So, who said that what PDP does is a law in Akwa Ibom? No, it’s not! People have reasons to vary from it.

So, for me, the zoning we are even talking about was a PDP fixation, and which has died with PDP. And so, if new structures come up, the people can galvanize a new structure. But what is important is the result that this new structure will bring to the table. Sir, Sen. Bassey Albert is the first governorship candidate who said, if after four years he has not delivered, he should not be voted for again. He said it publicly at Eket.

Ques: Sir, your last word to the people of Eket Senatorial District?

Ans: First of all, as a Senator, if my voice is not heard in four years, I won’t go for second term. I am not going there to go and look for what to eat. I am going there to make the voice and the pains and cries of my people to be heard.

So, please what PDP has done is not sacrosanct. It’s not a standard, so that it will be seen as a must-do, and all of that. The party has lost the stage for all the reasons that you and I know.

Ques: I am very grateful to you, Sir, for obliging and making this interaction very fruitful and fulfilling?

Ans: It’s been my pleasure talking with you, Paulinus.

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