

TheHILL. | LIFESTYLE | April 18, 2021.

Former Chocolate City singer, Kenyan Victoria Kimani has a huge following on Instagram which may have resulted from both her talent and style.

Her style, which is a staple for many on social media has been widely described as “weird” but the singer has defended herself that her style is not the definition of her lifestyle.

“My fashion is different from my lifestyle. My fashion might be weird and crazy but that is not my lifestyle. I think I live a very disciplined and focused life. I wake up in the morning, work out, cook my own food and go to the studio and do whatever I want to do. I live a very normal and simple life. I don’t really have a party lifestyle, I don’t club much.

I think I need to keep working harder because at the end of the day I want to be found backing my parents up in whatever they are doing. And to do that, I need to have capital; I need to have money coming in for myself,” she had said in an interview with Potpourri.

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