Business International Legislature News Politics

NEW YORK: Rep. Martins Esin Rallies Diaspora Support for Youth Development in Oro Nation



Rep. Martins Esin, Member representing Oron/Mbo/Okobo/Udung Uko/Urueoffong Oruko Federal Constituency has called for concerted efforts towards youth development in the constituency, emphasizing the crucial role of vocational skills in securing a prosperous future for young people.

Esin gave the charge while delivering the keynote address at the recently concluded 32nd Annual Conference of the Oron Development Union (ODU) USA Inc., held from August 29 to September 1, 2024, at the Long Island Marriott in New York.

Speaking on the theme “Re-Focusing Oro Youth Through Vocational Skills for a Better Tomorrow,” the Rep member stated the urgency of addressing the issue of youth unemployment in the various LGAs of Oro Nation.

He noted that “the absence of industrial presence and limited white-collar job opportunities have compounded the challenge, making vocational training a necessity rather than an option.”

Rep. Esin, who chairs the House of Representatives Committee on Youth Development, shared his initiatives to empower Oro youth since taking office, including the training of 160 youths and women in solar installation and confectionery, the launch of the ₦100 million Oro Youth Enterprise Scheme (OYES) to support small and medium-sized businesses, and the establishment of an annual Unity Football Tournament to engage and discover young talents.

He also mentioned the launch of the Oro Students Engagement & Education Development Scheme (OSEEDs), as well as his ongoing efforts to establish the Federal University of Aeronautics in Urue Offong/Oruko LGA, which aims to provide specialized training for aviation professionals and create unparalleled opportunities for Oro youths.

The lawmaker made some strategic recommendations to further support youth vocational training, including the establishment of local vocational training centres, scholarships, and grants, as well as the creation of business incubators to help young entrepreneurs transform their skills into successful enterprises.

Addressing broader issues affecting economic growth within the constituency, Esin assured attendees that efforts are underway to improve security and tackle power outage challenges, including the provision of new transformers to affected areas.

In his concluding remarks, he called on all Oro sons and daughters, both at home and in the diaspora, to renew their commitment to the younger generation by pledging to support them not just with words but through investments in their education and skills.

The 32nd Annual ODU USA Conference saw a distinguished gathering of government officials and prominent Oro indigenes, headlined by the Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Sen. Dr. Akon Eyakenyi.

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