

TheHILL. | INTERNATIONAL | June 8, 2021.

The Nigerian Ambassador to Angola, Her Excellency, Professor Monique O. Ekpong (KSJi) has been appointed the chairperson of the Gulf of Guinea Commission Member State Ambassadors, which consists of Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The announcement was made by the Executive Secretary, Amb. Florentina A. Ukonga rising from a strategic meeting involving member states, which was held in Luanda, Angola on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The appointment was made in agreement by all member-state ambassadors, since the Nigerian President, Gen. Mohammadu Buhari (RTD) is the present Chairman, Gulf of Guinea member states,
which includes countries bordering the Gulf of guinea.

Coastal states in Nigeria have strategically keyed into the activities of the Gulf of Guinea Commission, in a bid to contribute their quota, aswell as receive support from the commission.

Recently, the Governor of Cross River State, His Excellency, Sir Ben Ayade appointed the former speaker of the House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. John Gaul Lebo to head the commission in the state.
Sir Ayade had said the state is poised to harness economic potentials that abound in the Gulf of Guinea. To this end, the state government is facilitating the establishment of a new Commission to enhance trade between the state and the 13 countries that make up the Gulf of Guinea.

It is worthy of note that the commission clocks it’s twenty years of existence this 2021, having been formed on the 3rd of july 2001, to over see affairs affecting countries in the region, the commission is charged with the responsibility to take charge of encroachment into territorial waters,security on the high seas and also to enhance trade & businesses around the Gulf of Guinea.

The Cross River State born ambassador to Angola, Prof Monique Ekpong’s appointment as Chairperson, GGC Ambassadors is also very timely and will strategically position Nigeria in a prime place in the scheme of things in the region and continent.

© Media Unit
Nigerian Embassy, Angola.

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