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OBA: God Has Turned Around For My Good What The Enemy Meant For Evil


Sunday, January 1, 2023, being the first service of the New Year will forever remain evergreen in the minds of members of the Full Life Christian Center, Uyo, and congregants during the special thanksgiving service to mark the beginning of the year.

The Gubernatorial Candidate of the Young Progressives Party (YPP) and Senator representing Akwa Ibom North East, Distinguished Senator Bassey Albert (OBA), CON, his amiable wife, Pastor (Mrs) Imaobong Nkeiru Bassey Albert, and his family, attended the New Year service to appreciate God for His faithfulness upon their lives.

Senator Albert, in his speech, thanked God Almighty for making his life a testimony that will inspire others to trust and hold onto Him always. He also thanked God for equipping him with the 3 things he prayed for before embarking on the governance journey to recover, reposition and rededicate Akwa Ibom State back to God.

He listed these to include the grace and faith He gave unto David to hold unto Him to the very end. Secondly, the courage He gave to Joshua to inspire others to look up to the Lord as their author and finisher of their faiths, and lastly, the people that He gave to David that made them become mighty men.

OBA, who acknowledged God’s immeasurable love and enormous investment in his life summed it up saying, “Even men rose, the Kings of the earth came together, took counsel against me but God saved me and showed me mercy. He took me to the custodial center in Ikot Ekpene to showcase His power so that men will know that He is the God that rules over the affairs of men.”

The already lively mode occasioned by the praise and worship at the service got electrified to its crescendo as OBA offered his thanksgiving and hailed his wife for being his pillar of support at home, work life, and political aspirations. He also commended the wife for being an inspiration to women, the world over.

He said, “When she came to visit me at the custodial center, I told her to go and continue the campaigns and she went and did so boldly. They thought they had silenced me but they never knew I had a Lioness. God used her mightily.”

The two-term Senator also thanked his children for their prayers and his brothers and sister, who stood firmly by him like a rock during his incarceration, stressing that God only allowed the wickedness of his enemies to prevail temporarily to showcase Himself and make his journey shorter.

He referenced the words of Martin Luther King Jnr that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Senator Albert described Rev. Ntia as an inspiration to many and as the man behind his courageousness and fearlessness.

”Thank you Papa for standing by me. I am very proud of you. I cannot drink from this altar and be timid. I know my enemies are afraid of me. 2023 is my year of Divine Possibilities and I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” he said.

The Senior Pastor of Full Life Christian Center, Reverend Ntia I. Ntia was not left out of the thanksgiving as he eulogized OBA throughout his emotion-laden speech.

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