
Prospects of Inyang-Eyen’s Representation for Eket Senatorial District


Ukeme Oton

Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-eyen, a former Commissioner for Works in Akwa Ibom State, and immediate past Chief of Staff to the Governor of Akwa Ibom, needs no introduction as far as the politics of the State is concerned. This man of strong convictions is not like the everyday Akwa Ibom politician who is swayed by the politics of cabalism. Since his coming into politics of the state particularly in the build up to the 2015 governorship election, Ephraim Inyang-eyen has remained a standout personality in terms of courage, commitment, and loyalty to his conviction.

As one of the few key men who were at the forefront of pushing the Udom Emmanuel governorship in 2015 against a strong opposition and deflation ruling party, Ephraim Inyang-eyen was privy to the sacrifices and compromises that people made for that ambition to actualised. Almost eight years after and ahead of 2023, he is almost a lone voice insisting on honouring those sacrifices.

It is on the aforesaid background that I consider Akparawa Inyang-eyen’s emergence as the Young Progressives Party (YPP) candidate for Akwa Ibom South Senatorial District in 2023 as a blessing to the senatorial district. First and foremost, he is the only candidate that we, the people of Eket Senatorial District can count on to honour his pact once elected. He has clearly proven that he is one who honours his word which is a complete departure from what is obtained in the politics of the State.

If the people of the senatorial are genuinely and sincerely yearning for a representative in the Senate whom they can trust to keep to his campaign promises, then Akparawa Inyang-eyen is our best and only option. “My covenant with my Eket Senatorial District is that by the grace of God, I will ensure that anything that will benefit the people is discussed, given and equally taken,” Mr Inyang-eyen said. Indeed, this is the only senatorial candidate that we can hold by his words.

Secondly, it is a fact that Eket Senatorial District has been very unlucky with her Senators for many years now. The senatorial district has repeatedly had senators who failed in both their representation and lawmaking responsibilities. For avoidance of doubt, besides Sen Udo Udoma, no other Senator in the Senatorial District has not been labelled a “sleeping lawmaker” when they are being rated along with their contemporaries. Between his first appointment as Commissioner for Works by Governor Udom Emmanuel till today, Ephraim Inyang-eyen has very vocal in advocating for better governance even on issues that he is alone voice.

Ofcourse, he has been leading these advocacies with example in terms of making his people have a feel of democratic dividends. Undoubtedly, within his few years in government, he has made more positive and longstanding impacts on people than most others who have sworn to live and die in power. With Mr Inyang-eyen, our fortunes as a Senatorial District will change for good.

Thirdly, it is evident that the ruling party’s grip in the state has been the major reason why politicians and public office holders have recklessly taken the people for granted over the years. With the strong belief that whether they serve the people well or not, once they can get the party’s ticket their victory is sure, the people will continue to suffer neglect and bad representation. However, with Akparawa Inyang-eyen running on YPP as credible alternative, the people of Eket Senatorial District now have a solid ground to stand and determine their future by themselves.

2023 will be another defining year for the country as citizens are now determined to lead the first-of-its-kind revolution at the polls to take back their country. Eket Senatorial that has been plunged by abysmal representation over the years cannot afford to be left behind in this impending revolution. With Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-eyen as the Senator, there are so many prospects for the Senatorial District.

Ukeme Oton writes from Ikot Ebak, Mkpat Enin Local Government Area.

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