News Politics



Reporter: Henshaw NYONG.

The Village Head of Ewet Offot, Eteidung (Elder) Ben Bassey John, has pledged his undying support and that of his community for the State Governor; Pastor Umo Eno and his ARISE Agenda.

Eteidung John, who made the remark at his palace on Monday while fielding questions from Newsmen, eulogized Governor Eno for the innumerable achievements he has recorded in just two months in office.

He enumerated some of the Governor’s feats which have a direct benefits for his subjects to include: the recent visit to the gully erosion site at Udo Inwang Street in his community, where the State Chief Executive reeled out plans to further develop Ewet Offot and the approval for the construction of access road to Ewet Offot Primary School to pave way for the opening of the School this September.

Others include: the Governor’s announcement of palliatives, which would be distributed soon to cushion the effects of fuel subsidy removal, the release of N1 Billion Naira for settlement of gratuities of retired Primary School teachers in the State, another 800 Million Naira to clear the backlog of leave grants for State workers, the incorporation of leave grants into monthly salaries for prompt payments of Civil Servants as well as floating a foundation to cater for the educational endowment of physically challenged students in the State among several others.

The Ewet Offot Village Head while taking H.E; Pastor Eno, round the gully erosion site in his community during the governor’s recent visit…

Elder Bassey Ben who observed that the aforementioned programmes of the Umo Eno-led administration will improve the living condition of his subjects, stressed that, the success of Pastor Umo Eno’s Government has been made a priority to all Ewet Offot sons and daughters.

His words: “Let me state expressly clear and emphatically that, my humble self and Village Council are appreciative of the State government’s concerns for Ewet Offot and our people and we are sure that the Golden Era will bring solutions to all our challenges.

“Therefore, permit me to say that His Excellency, Pastor Umo Eno is our project and the success of his ARISE Agenda is a topmost priority for the indigenes of Ewet Offot community. Because Ewet Offot believes in this government so much, we had since resolved to give our maximum support to the Umo Eno-led administration.

“As a community, we reassure the governor of our support and we urge residents of Akwa Ibom to give him maximum cooperation so that our dear Governor can fully launch his developmental plans and programmes as enshrined in his ARISE Agenda.”

Answering a reporter’s question, Eteidung Ben, thanked the Governor for the appointment of an Offot Ukwa son as Secretary to the State Government (SSG) in the person of Prince Enobong Uwah.

To showcase his unbounded joy and a heart full of gratitude, our Reporter recalled that, the Royal father had sponsored the publication of colour advertorials on three (3) Akwa Ibom based Newspapers where he sent a congratulatory message and thanked the governor for the appointment of Hon. Enobong Uwah

His words: “By the special grace of God, I earlier published a congratulatory message to the great Offot Ukwa son on some of the Akwa Ibom based tabloids, but again, let me use this medium to thank our Governor for the appointment of Otuekong Enobong Uwah, as the SSG.

“Enobong is a rare breed leader of Offot Ukwa and indeed, a highly reputable Statesman who understands and deals with the real issues that affect our people. We are happy that he was given this appointment and everyone has seen already that he has used his wealth of experience in both private and public sectors to support the ARISE Agenda in the interest of Akwa Ibomites.”

The Ewet Offot Village Head used the occasion and pledged to continue to uphold the sanctity of his throne, carry his cabinet members and village along in decision making and ensure his Community remains the most peaceful in the State.

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