
UKANAFUN 2023: Constituents Beg Dr. Charity Ido To Seek Re-election


Groups and Individuals in Ukanafun have continued to appeal to the incumbent representative of the area in the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Hon. (Dr.) Charity Ido to seek re-election on the premise that the affable lawmaker has diligently served her constituency creditably, shown unalloyed loyalty to the PDP government in the State and bring back dividends of democracy.

The latest appeal came from the people under the aegis of Concerned Ukanafun Voters Network (CUVoN).

Read the appeal of the group below:


Arising from the need to place square pegs in square holes in the forthcoming 2023 elections, particularly, regarding Ukanafun State Constituency, the Concerned Ukanafun Voters Network, a pan-Ukanafun sociopolitical organization with a vested interest in the development of Ukanafun, has deemed it necessary to not only give a passing interest in the politics and development of our local government but also speak out in clear terms and throw our weight behind the best deal for Ukanafun now and in the nearest future.

Accordingly, our silence in a time like this would mean seeing off or willingly handing over our future to the Pharisees, which of course, shall have been of no material gain to our generation next.

It is against this backdrop that we, having been abreast of the superlative performance and effective representation of the incumbent State Legislator, Hon. Charity Ido, Ph.D., intentionally pass a confidence vote on her, and as well call on her to please, consider joining the race to continue serving Ukanafun State Constituency for a SECOND TERM come 2023 – in the best interest of Ukanafun people.

This call is premised, emphatically on the fact that Dr. Charity Ido has shown exemplary representation thus far with laudable evidence dotting the sociopolitical landscape of our communities and reflected in the people’s welfare. Whereas, in just two years and a few months on the saddle, she has been able to put up three phases of constituency briefings/empowerments and remains a resounding voice of reason to issues of State and Public interest. This has gone a long way to establish the fact that #Charity has not only been done at home but craves for the sustainability of even more #Charitable representation in the coming years.

Again, going by this antecedence, one could only imagine what the future holds for Ukanafun State Constituency, if the mandate is unanimously given to her, and considering the political permutations in the next political dispensation.

Surely, we will be better off in leadership schemes, not only as we will be a Ranking State Constituency at the time, but with the experience, pedigree and excellent track record of Dr. Ido, we will only be counting our blessings.

It is on this strength, inter alia, that we, in surrendering to the superior reasons, based on the fact that, the reward for a work well done is more work, and that one good turn deserves another, reiterate our call for our MP to roll up her sleeves and throw her hat to the ring of Ukanafun State Constituency to continue salvaging our people.

On this score, we call on our brothers and sisters; stakeholders and voters across the 13 political Wards to set aside parochial sentiments, tame their emotions and encourage our Superlative Performer to keep up the pace beyond 2023 for the overall interest of Ukanafun.

To this end, for our State Constituency to be counted great in the 8th Assembly, the only option is to send back Hon. Dr. Charity Ido to the House. This, viewed from either side of the coin, is the best deal for Ukanafun at this material time. Let us not gamble with our promising future, but must as a point of duty please, take our destiny into our hands!


Comrade Kendi Jumbo

Director of Public Communications, CUVON.


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