Business Feature International Politics

What Gov. Umo Eno’s Partnership With China Means For Akwa Ibom Economy [Part 1]


Henshaw NYONG

Governor Umo Eno’s recent discussions with the Chinese Ambassador, Cui Jianchun, go beyond typical political chatter or attention-seeking antics; instead, this partnership deal is indeed a game-changer for Akwa Ibom’s economy.

Truly, a new dawn is breaking in our state as Governor Umo Eno takes bold steps to ensure a better future for Akwa Ibom. His partnership with China, an economic powerhouse, isn’t just a milestone; it is a significant move towards prosperity, unlike anything seen before on the entire African continent.

As the second-largest economy globally, China presents vast opportunities for our state. Governor Eno’s steadfast resolve to secure advantageous trade privileges with these global leaders demonstrates his dedication to reshaping our economic outlook. This collaboration transcends mere figures; it’s about improving lives and lifting over 7 million Akwa Ibomites out of poverty.

It’s worth stressing that China boasts the world’s second-largest economy, valued at $17.9 trillion in 2022, just behind the United States with $25.4 trillion. But when we consider purchasing power, China surpasses the United States, with $30.3 trillion compared to America’s $25.4 trillion. This shows China’s strong economic standing. Pastor Umo Eno, being a successful entrepreneur, understands the significance of such partnership and collaborations to boost Akwa Ibom’s economy, especially given Nigeria’s tough economic situation. Indeed, by working with China, our Governor will further achieve the objectives of his ARISE Agenda, and why not, lead Akwa Ibom towards similar economic success.

Now, let’s see how this strategic partnership with China will bring benefits for the common man in our rural areas and hinterlands; Eastern Obolo, Mbo, Ini, Ika and the entire Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom and what it means for our economy:

1. Local Farmers:

In every village in Akwa Ibom, we have local farmers who play a crucial role in our economy. Through this partnership with China, the agricultural sector in our state will surely receive a significant boost. This collaboration with China will provide our local farmers with access to advanced technology and expertise, enabling them to improve productivity, increase yields, and secure their livelihoods.

Similar to how China has supported its own farmers, Akwa Ibom people can expect access to modern farming equipment, training programmes, and market opportunities. This partnership which is coming at the right time, will empower our farmers to thrive in a competitive market, particularly amidst the current economic challenges facing our country.

2. Small Businesses:

In almost every home in Akwa Ibom, there exists a small business. Governor Umo Eno’s collaboration with China offers a lifeline for these enterprises. Small businesses in Akwa Ibom stand to benefit greatly from this partnership. As the Governor focuses on the people’s welfare in line with his ARISE agenda, his ties with the world’s second-largest economy will provide every family in Akwa Ibom engaged in small businesses with access to international markets, funding support, and business training programmes. This collaboration will also provide an opportunity for small businesses owned by our brothers and sisters to expand and compete on a global scale. So, in practical terms, this partnership will empower our small businesses to innovate, grow, and contribute to the economic vibrancy of Akwa Ibom, bringing us closer to the level of success seen in China.


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