Feature Politics

Woman like Imaobong Albert: A specie of a kind


By Priscilla Akpanettot

The story of how the world came to be, as documented in the Holy Bible, in the Book of Genesis, puts one through the voidness of the earth before the commencement of creation, and its consequent fullness following God’s utterances.

But not until the creation of the woman did the dramas which transpired the preliminary pages of the Bible commence – the conflict of the creation only began, climaxed and resulted in a costly verdict after the last creature (the woman) arrived.

Unknown to many, this story which is often told as one of the bed-time stories deployed in sending children to sleep, is deep in implication, with its significance binding on every man till date.

A man’s world may seem peaceful and complete but you’ll only discover what you’ve been missing when a woman enters into it and a good one at that. As such, the same Bible declares in the book of Proverbs 18:22 that, he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favour from God.

True to this assertion, a good woman is an asset, not only to her husband but to those around her. And men who are lucky to have good women, count them as part of their blessings from God.

This is the story of one of such men, Senator Obong Bassey Albert, the 2023 Akwa Ibom State governorship Candidate of the Young Progressives Party (YPP).

Judging from his speeches, encomiums and exciting ovations for his wife everytime, one would not need to doubt the influence of this delectable Nkeiru Imaobong on the life of Senator Bassey Albert.

For those who have followed OBA from the onset, his inspiring sessions do not end without a mention of his wife’s unflinching support for every step he takes.

He constantly refers to her as “my pillar”, “my backbone”, “my strength”, “my support system”, “my prayer warrior” and other beautiful adjectives depicting the solid support he enjoys from her. “I wonder what my life would have been like, if I did not marry her. God brought her beside me because He knew where He was taking me”, OBA had said during their 20th marriage anniversary few weeks ago.

Just recently, on the occasion of his 50th Birthday celebration hosted by his wife, OBA again told the world of how dear Imaobong is to him and how she inspires his love for God. “My undying love for God has been inspired by my wife, Pastor Imaobong Albert. I don’t know what would have become of me without her”, he again said.

All of these are indicative of a woman who knows her place in her man’s life. Mrs. Albert has beyond doubts, proven to be a compatible help-meet to her husband and perhaps, enhanced his leadership potentials. Like Sen. Albert, her passion for humanitarian gestures, social empowerment and religious commitment is both classical and laudable.

To commemorate the Senator’s 50th birthday, she had initiated an Essay Competition where a 200 level Law student of the University of Uyo, Edikan Elijah Udoh went home with the star prize of N200,000, a laptop and full scholarahip throughout the university; the 1st runner up, Sophia Asuquo got N100,000 and a laptop, while the 2nd runner up, Mfreke Udo got N100,000.

In the wake of her husband’s political ambition, Mrs. Imaobong Albert has taken up the task of creating awareness on the Senator’s gubernatorial interests and interpreting his visions to the understanding of both men and women in rural communities. She speaks, bearing no inkling of a woman hiding under anyone’s shadow or a newcomer being shown the way to public presentation. Her eloquence, fluency and diction, laced with a dozen doses of her charming smiles sells her message swiftly even before she descends the rostrum.

During the inauguration of Ibaan Imaobong, a socio-political group she initiated to help mobilize women in support of her husband’s governorship bid, the soft-spoken but firm Mrs. Albert had charged the women to ignore distractions and keep their eyes on the goal, assuring them of improved economic conditions when they come on board in 2023.

At Okobo Local Government Area, the confident incoming First Lady of Akwa Ibom State harped on plans to better the lot of women. According to her, when a woman is financially empowered, they can take care of the home hence, her intention for women of the state is to ensure that they are well positioned to cater for their homes. One can therefore deduce that the Senator’s wife is as passionate about a progressive home, as much as she is about women’s political emancipation.

She buttressed this point at the marriage ceremony of Miss Emem Utibe Oku and Mr. Eyo Ekpenyong on Friday October 29, 2022 at Nkim Itam, where she advised the couple to see marriage as an everlasting covenant, requiring patience, endurance and godly virtues to blossom.

No doubt, Pst. Nkeiru Imaobong Albert will make a model First Lady who will ensure that the the women, aged and Children enjoy dividends of Democracy and many more.

Her pet Projects when unveiled will blow our minds and restore absolute confidence in what a woman of Character can do.

Notably, she, like her husband is assessible, comely, homely and lovely. Comported with the gracefulness of a doe and the peacefulness of a dove, she exudes so much intelligence, wisdom, confidence and maturity with the will of one with a mind of her own. No wonder the Senator’s heart trusts hers so much and finds solace in her thus, agreeing with the teachings in Proverbs 31: 30 that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the lord shall be praised.

As Imaobong Albert joins her husband Senator OBA to Full Life Christian Centre for the Governorship hopeful’s 50th birthday thanksgiving, we can only say, Thank you Ma’am for being a better compliment to our Distinguished Senator.

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