
Young Professionals Condemn Hate Campaigns Against Inyang-Eyen


-Strongly Warn Perpetrators to Stop Forthwith

Young Professionals under the aegis of Eket Senatorial Districts have condemned the hate media campaign against the immediate past Chief of Staff to the Governor and Commissioner for Work, Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-Eyen.

The Group in a statement signed by Barr. Ansalem Enodien, Dr. AbasiUbong Asam, and Mr. Kingsley James said, “we are most saddened and disappointed that young people who should dissipate their energy in developing their destinies and better the society are allowing themselves to be used to cast vituperation, denunciation, and tar on the hard-earned reputation of Mr. Inyang-Eyen in the name of politics, and wishes to caution that this must stop forthwith”.

The young Professionals states that Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-Eyen remains on his honour, having served the State meritoriously as Commissioner for works and as Chief of Staff to the governor and contributed significantly in the development of the State.

“Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-Eyen remains on his honour as a Statesman, having served the State meritoriously as commissioner for works for five years and as Chief of Staff to the Governor with resounding records. The aspiration of Mr. Inyangeyen to serve the people of Eket Senatorial District at the Red Chambers is born out of his desire to serve his people, and it is his inalienable right, and there is no reason for this series of hate campaigns, insults, and abuses on his person”.

The Eket Senatorial Districts Young Professionals specifically condemned the gang up of Eket and Uyo Senatorial Districts Media Professionals to tarnish the image and the reputation of the Akparawa Inyang-Eyen.

“The recent statement by a group of hired and mercantile journalists, who claimed to be Eket and Uyo Senatorial Districts Media Professionals, clearly shows that the noble profession of journalism and the sanctity of the profession have been besmirched and sacrificed on the altar of pecuniary gains.

“This group of mercenaries who called themselves journalists failed to understand that Akparawa Ephraim Inyangeyen is entitled to his views and opinions, and he is at liberty to support, galvanized support for any aspirant of his choice.

“It is worrisome that a group that should be in the vanguard of social enlightenment and development journalism through balanced and unbiased reportage is now paid to carry out hate campaigns and image slandering against the persons who have contradicting views or political interests different from that of their paymaster” the statement states.

The group advised those who are against the Senatorial aspiration of Akparawa Inyangeyen to contest against him at the polls and not to blackmail and malign his reputation.

“We, therefore, strongly warn this stone- blind and visionless group, their fermenters, and paymasters to stop this hate campaign against our Grand Patron, Akparawa Ephraim Inyang-Eyen. Let those who think they have what it takes to defeat him do that at the poll and not take to blackmails and image slandering”.

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